Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Salam , hai everybody, my name is buddy
Selamat menyambut syawal...
Saper kawen?
Fahmi & hannah..
sorang engineer kapal, sorang doktor..

Majlis akad nikah berlangsung kat masjid tengku kelana jaya..
Berlangsung selepas solat jumaat..
Hujan renyai²  mengurangkan sket panas terik kelana jaya..
Pengantin laki = sgt peramah..
Senang diajak berbual, mudah ketawa, friendly..
Pengantin perempuan = sgt peramah..
Samer mcm pengntin lelaki,. Haha
Diharapkan korang hidup bahagia ke anak cucu..
Andaikata ader salah silap saya, 10 jari dihulur memohon maap..

Jom tgk gambar.. ni adalah behind the scene (BTS) akad nikah fahmi & hannah..
Utk official punyer gambar,



About This Blog

My name is Badi’uzzaman Muhammad. You can call me Buddy.I love people. When I see them, I can see fragments of their journeys in this world.I believe in finding something interesting from ordinary people and place.
And from what I’ve learned, it has very little to do with the things I see, but everything to do with the way I see them.A smile might bring thought of happiness or enthusiasm, just like a pair of tired eyes might tell a story of courage or adventure.Through a combination of expressions and the surroundings, I can piece together those fragments and tell a beautiful story; one that speaks in a language that anybody can understand.I’m here to stop memorable moments from running away. And I want to share my interest with you.

I’m your PhotoBuddy.

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